History serves as the cornerstone of Catholic Classical Education, enabling students to go beyond memorizing facts and delve into primary sources to deepen their understanding. At St. Ann Classical Academy, history is more than a subject—it is a vital foundation that integrates with other disciplines, fostering critical thinking and inspiring students to...
So what is Catholic classical education and how does it differ from a Catholic education not modified by the adjective Classical?
Differences between Catholic Classical Education and Catholic Education
Many prospective St. Ann’s parents attended Catholic school and experienced Catholic education firsthand. For those who attended non-Catholic private schools or even public schools, the pedagogical methodology...
St. Ann Classical Academy’s Pre-K program is developmentally designed to prepare your child for a classical education. Our program engages students in rich literature filled with strong vocabulary and lessons of God’s love. Students begin to cultivate the skill of memorization in an enjoyable manner which will assist in student’s future success. As every child is different, students are encouraged, nurtured, and allowed to develop. Our program consists of circle time, introduction to the alphabet and numbers, creative play and movement. Students learn about beauty through art and music. A love of outdoor discovery...
In Roman Catholic tradition, few practices evoke as much reverence and unity as the act of praying the holy rosary in Latin. This centuries-old devotion, steeped in historical and spiritual significance, serves as a profound testament to the unbreakable bonds that bind the Catholic faithful across the globe. As beads slip through fingers and prayers rise in the universal language of the Church, believers find themselves linked not only in faith but in a shared journey towards spiritual fruitfulness and communion with each other in Christ....
by Mr. Joe Cirillo - Upper School Math and Nature Studies/Science Teacher
The quadrivium (arithmetic, music, geometry, astronomy) and the trivium (grammar, logic, rhetoric) make up the seven classical liberal arts of antiquity. This is the education that the great minds of the past such as Plato, Aristotle, and Saint Thomas Aquinas would have received. However, if you were to do a Google search on classical education, you would see much fanfare regarding the trivium, but little on the quadrivium. So much so in fact, that one could easily mistake that classical education is nothing more than reading great books and learning Latin. However, the quadrivium is not merely an afterthought tacked on to the trivium, but a vital component of the classically educated mind...
New Jersey, affectionately known as the "Garden State", is not only famed for its diverse landscapes but is also a home to numerous educational gems that offer a range of enriching learning experiences. As we navigate the ever-changing educational landscape, the role and significance of private education have come into sharper focus. In this blog post I aim to shed light on the importance of private schools as a viable and sometimes preferred alternative to public schooling.
Once upon a time, in a small village nestled between verdant mountains and an azure river, lived a young woman named Amelia. Gifted with a curious mind and a boundless imagination, Amelia was captivated by the beauty of God's creation and the wonders it held. She had an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a profound appreciation for the gift of human intelligence...
This article highlights the importance of Catholic education, exploring its benefits and the role it plays in society. The comparison between Catholic and public education, the challenges facing Catholic education, and the role of Catholic education in shaping servant leaders and promoting social justice are discussed.
In this article, we will explore the many advantages of classical education over Common Core curricula. We will discuss the history and philosophy of classical education, its core principles, and how it differs from modern educational practices. We will also examine the practical benefits of classical education, including its ability to foster a love of learning, prepare students for college and beyond, and develop the moral character necessary to lead successful and fulfilling lives. So, buckle up, grab a notebook, and let's explore the world of classical education together.
by Mr. Mark Signorelli, Chesterton Classical at IHS
The differences start showing up when we ask how modern educators conceive of the future awaiting their students, and the correspondent act of preparation required to ready them for that future. To an overwhelming extent, the future laid out before students enmeshed in our standard educational system is one that is predominantly economic in nature. On this understanding, students will be workers, and ideally workers with a bent towards upward mobility. They will be parts of the “twenty-first-century economy” or the “global marketplace” or some other cant phrase casually thrown around by bureaucrats these days when they talk about our schools. Even the recent radicalization of our schools provides evidence of this career orientation; the verbiage of “woke” is just the lingua franca of the board room and the government agency, in which aspiring youth must become fluent in order to advance through those arenas. Visit Mr. Mark Signorelli's blog at The Classical Corner
There are many different types of schools to choose from these days, and the options can be overwhelming for parents. Public schools, private schools, charter schools, classical schools...the list goes on and on. So what is the best option for your child? Some parents may automatically choose a public school because they are free, but there are many benefits to sending your child to a classical Catholic academy, such as St. Ann Classical Academy in Raritan, NJ. Let's take a closer look at what classical education entails and why it could be the perfect choice for your family.
Until last year, there did not seem to be much difference in what, and how, I learned at school from my friends at public schools, except that I took a religion class each day...
Being a teacher at St. Ann Classical Academy I can live out what I have learned through my experience growing up going to Catholic School with the added bonus of classical teaching.